Saturday, May 22, 2010

Orks, 1850, some paint required

After a long stretch of primarily playing my marine chapter ( getting ready for Adepticon, and then Ard Boyz ), I've decided I needed a break. I had been playing them an average of 2 games a week for 6 months, so things were getting a bit repetative, for both me and my usual gaming oponenets.
On the other hand, back in February, I had bought a large set of ork boxes when the local store was having its birthday sale ( nothing like getting a megaforce at 35% off! ). I had built a bunch, and then it had just sat around, waiting to be finished. It is now time to start working on it again.

As of this morning, I can say I have 1850 worth of Orks*
* Well, including the scratchbuilt battlewagon for until I get around to the real one.

I will be playing the following list against a guy at the store today:

Warboss on Bike, PK, Bosspole, attack squig, cybork - 155
Big Mek - KFF - 85
11 Lootas - 165
10 - Burnas - 150
Snikrot, 2 burnas, and 12 kommandos - 265

6 Nob Bikers ( as troops )
2 PK, 2 Big choppas, Bosspole, Waaghbanner, Painboy, cybork bodies - 410

20 shoota boyz - big shoota, nob w. PK and bosspole - 165
20 shoota boyz - big shoota, nob w. PK and bosspole - 165

3 Killa Kans - 2 grotzookas ( say it with me - GROTZOOKA! ), 1 rokkit launcha - 1401 Looted Wagon - 35
1 Battlewagon - Dethrolla, Big shoota - 115
I think it'll be a good starting list, and it has the advantage of being 100% plastic.

For now, they sit in the case...waiting for battle...

I'll throw some pictures up from the game, perhaps even as the game goes on.

Monday, May 17, 2010

New Beginnings

With the "death" of Rites of War, I have been left with no one central location to showcase my models, conversion projects, tournament results, and rumors that I pick up on. This blog is to fill that void, and perhaps more...